The quality and duration of your time asleep can be greatly impacted during periods of abrupt changes in weather. The commonly experienced humid, sticky air that is present as the weather stabilises in between seasons can cause a feeling of light-headedness. People have also reported feeling lethargic, and irritable and some even experience migraines.

If you feel sluggish and apathetic during the day when the weather is like this, your sleep may seriously suffer at night. Naps and short sleeping periods during the day seem like a solution for people experiencing such symptoms, but they have been proven to worsen your sleep as you no longer feel tired enough to fall asleep during your usual bedtime.
Weather whiplash: What is it?
The symptoms people experience as a result of sudden weather changes have been defined as the phenomenon of “weather whiplash”. Maltese climate is prone to high levels of humidity which is exacerbated by rapid changes in weather. Water content in the air surrounding us makes it feel hotter as this sticky, wet layer of air envelops our island and makes the air feel warmer than it is in reality.
Why are we more prone to headaches during the changing of the seasons?
People who are prone to migraines and headaches may report that during periods of weather instability they may experience them more frequently and more intensely. The air pressure brought about by gloomy, unpleasant weather causes pressure to build up in one’s head. A pressure gradient can stimulate electrical and chemical changes in the brain, irritating nerves and causing headaches. A drop in barometric pressure that causes a headache is referred to as a barometric pressure headache. This differs from regular headaches due to the circumstances under which it occurs, but also because it comes with other symptoms such as light sensitivity and nausea.
How can I feel better whilst experiencing a barometric pressure headache?

Drinking a lot of water and ensuring you are properly hydrated can immensely improve symptoms and prevent headaches. This should be done every day but is especially important during the changing of the seasons.
Ensure your eyes are not constantly being strained by looking at a screen and take regular breaks to decrease symptoms of light sensitivity. Screen breaks could include a short walk, reading a chapter of a book, baking something for teatime etc.
Massaging one’s head may also decrease a build-up of pressure as well as remove tension from your muscles. Light exercises, like yoga and short walks, have also been proven to decrease headaches.
If regular headaches are affecting your sleep and lifestyle, seek help from a medical professional to make sure that there is no other underlying condition for your symptoms.
For more information about our in-depth health screening, contact us today on +356 21221355, 9985 2404 or send an email on info@clinipath.com.mt.